I express myself naturally and keep it real with all that I encounter. I may be a woman of few words but my actions speak louder.

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Situations always make me a stronger person.
Hola migente! Wassabe!
It's been awhile since I been here. Well since my last blog a lot has been going on. I been very busy. I re-arranged my living room, got rid of the annoying biatch Diamond etc etc. She living good now though. She live in a house with a two doctors and three children and a huge back yard she can run wild in. Glad I let her go. Any who I still have my turtle, guinea pig and Bella.
My son was in the hospital for a day and half due to somehow getting asthma. That was the most scariest experience for the both of us. Well to me more because he really didn't understand what was going on with him and only wanted to be home playing the damn Xbox. I on the other hand was a paranoid wreck inside but remain strong and calm for the both of us. Thank goodness I had my family Debbony, Ramze and Ruben by my side and my peoples Michi, Lissy, Rosie, Fifi and more supporting me via text etc. It's not easy nor pleasurable to hear a doctor say "you're lucky you brought him in when you did." That shit blew my mind!! That's my baby, my prince, my second and final born. I thank god that everything turned out right and my baby is okay now! Well physically, mentally and emotionally okay, but he still under medication and has to be monitored very closely and is limited on a lot pf physical activities for now. But I am truly grateful for both my children.
My teen! She drives me nuts!!! But she my twin, my princess, my first born, my everything and my mirror image to the power of infinity! But she hasn't killed me yet! Otherwise Ya wouldn't be reading this. Oh yeah and hers too ended up in the hospital because her never listens when I tell her it's cold out put on a coat. She be swearing that she freaking cold proof!! FOH! What the hell is wrong with teenagers dag nammit! and then they got the nerves to blame me when they get sick...like nah son! But any who...she aiight after 3 hours and two treatments. She ain't got to be monitored, she just gotta be slapped up into wearing her coat which she effin didn't wear today cause after she left to school I found it in the living room. She wore her tiny ass justin beiber jacket (that's what I call it.) Deja que se me enferme otra ves. She gonna hear my mouth till infinity.
Me! Went through that experience with my baby and then had to do a lot of catching up at work. You know what it is to work in a damn hurricane with no MTA transportation, so you're limited to actually do work cause you can't do home visits to then end up in an emergency with one of your children that caused me to have to take some days off and then the holiday to have to comeback to a huge amount of work and like 4 damn brand new cases. I have been working overtime since catching up with visits and gonna have to continue working overtime just to document them damn visits. But anyway, I know I can do it. I always do!
Through all this, I learned that I am the strongest person I know! Nothing can break me and can only strengthen me. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger. Life goes on....
Bueno migente have a good evening! Hasta la proxima!
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