I express myself naturally and keep it real with all that I encounter. I may be a woman of few words but my actions speak louder.

Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 Has been a GOOD and BAD year for me....
OK So January started off with a bang because I spent it with my parents and my mom had gotten better! February is my sons and my BF/adopted sister's birthdays. The two most exciting days and not too much happened except for my former supervisor starting to get on my last FREAKING NERVES!! February was also a month that caught the best of me. I received a crazy but fun case of the year. Can't discuss details because I don't like violating confidentiality. But anyways this case had me feeling like I was at an unnecessary scene of Law and Order...but I did what I had to do regardless of the BS and DRAMA!! LMAO! (insider with Moma BC). This is also when I got to really meet the Assistant Commissioner at the office. I call her Moma BC....she is leaving us....so yea like am really going to miss her! She moving on to bigger and better things. Oh wait....back to me!! And I also managed to get to know two of the most wonderful deputies and my Lissy Starr. So moving on to March....this is the month where my first born was delivered via c-section 13 years ago!! So we had plans to celebrate but she did not want to because she is not a kid anymore. So dinner and a movie it was. I do not even want to think about the expense I am in for on the sweet sixteen.
So March became a bad month for me after my princess's b'day. That's when I was hit with a BAM!! I got my FIRST and prayerfully my LAST fatality case. Yea I have been traumatized ever since! Anyways, thank god it was not what I thought it was....enough said. R.I.P babygirl. But I gotta say that aside the fact that I was depressed over this traumatizing events in which I chose to deal with on my own cause I don't like anyone in my business. This case has made me a more focused and stronger person. I learned a whole lot from this plus I had my Lissy Starr to vent to when needed. She the BEST! Not only did I have that fatality but Grandma Leo ended up in the hospital. And thanks to Moma BC I was able to focus both on my work and my grandma. I don't know what am gonna do when Moma BC leave.
So April came and was hearing good news at the beginning and than BANG! Grandma left to be with Jesus. RIP Grandma...MISS YOU! Glad to have gotten the opportunity to be by your bedside while you were at the hospital. And thank you for letting me know that you were proud of me and that you loved me before you left. And thanks for the SMILE. I will forever hold that memory! Oh but guess what?! April was also a good month. I was finally moved from my HELL of a UNIT!! Well let me take that back.....the unit was not hell. But my former supervisor put me through soooooooo much HELL....that's the way I felt. So I was found a new temporary foster cubicle that I am dying to get out of. I can not find any supervisor that is as compatible as I am. Oh wait I think I might have one...her name is Parker. Oh and McCrae too bad she training unit now...cause I believe that is like met my best Match. Anyways so I was told that I am stuck!! for a while because...am not even gonna go there....BUT I will say that I will prove to my lovely Corinne that I will meet her expectations!
So May came and I began to focus and notice a change in me. I was less stressed and able to work cause I had a new cubicle and did not have to deal with that stress-or, I have had for the previous two years. I loved my job even more and began to feel like I was finally being heard!!
June...my mommy's birth month. So we celebrated at her home. And it was also my dear friend Judy Torres birthday...so I hit her up on myspace, facebook and KTU...LOL! And it was also Moma Doris bday...so shouted her out on FB and blew up her work and personal emails...am just that cool.
So than JULY came....my birth month and the month when I lost my twin but gained an ANGEL! So July 7th he made 15 years in heaven and than I freaking turn 35! OMG!!! Am getting old!! Oh yea...I also made 9 years with my boo boo's daddy! jejeje....And the most magnificent thing happened. My BFF/second pops and moms/uncle/aunt/brother and sister(oh F it...he my everything cause sometimes he can be my son...LOL) Samuel Soto dared me to get on an airplane with my children and go with him to Puerto Rico!!! My first answer to him was "OH HEEEELLLLLL NOOO, I AIN'T GETTING ON NO FUCKING AIRPLANE"....IS YOU CRAZY!!!. And than after him bothering for a couple of weeks. I gave in!! and had the BEST time of my LIFE....and till this day I still get chills...I got on an AIRPLANE! I wanna go again!!! I want to go to SANTO DOMINGO!!!
Okay So September came and children are back in school, freaking cases began flying in...the beginning of fall stress...LOL.
So it's October and my boo boo began school!! He is in Kindergarten and he loves and hates it....LOL typical child of mine! Oh and yea...I freaking moved out LA CASA DE DRAMA Y BOCHINCHE!! LMAO!!! BFF did me a house warming! I so freaking love that guy. I felt so welcomed in my new home. So this was also my Lissy Starr's birth month. So I blew up her text, email and FB PM...LOL. And this was my sis and daddy's birth month, so we cut them a cake at the house warming too and I gave my daddy a cell phone for his bday and mom cursed me out cause she old fashioned and pops is slightly not...LMAO...gotta love that little woman.
And November came and I QUIT SMOKING for good!!!! and Thanksgiving was great, we did it in my house and I was so happy that my mommy came!! So we got dunk and shit and I still made it to work the next day cause the Commissioner did not give us the day off and he never does....that freaking sucks!
and we are in December...I lost a friend who was more like an uncle....RIP Don Tomas! And my honey gave me an Xbox....he drive me crazy sometimes but I gotta love that man, because he took in me and my daughter....not a lot of men get involved with women who already has a child. and not every man can put up with my bitchassness...LOL. And I also got paid and went broke on Christmas gifts and BILLS...blah! OMG and my unit went on vacation but me...and I had the craziest week this week.....I thought I was going to loose some of the little marbles I have left....LMAO but My Lissy Starr came to my rescue and we bonded for the past three days at lunch time. I love that chic! She is such a sweetheart.
Oh and last but not least, I learned that I am the strongest and strangest person I have ever met!
Friday, December 17, 2010
R.I.P Thomas Scull
I sat here in prayer for you and Jeanette when I first learned that you landed in the hospital. I sat here this morning in shock and despair and SMH when I learned that you left us. I sit here now with a SMILE on my face and your voice in my head and knowing that you are in a better place and that you are no longer suffering. I sit hear remembering all the good times we had in and out of VOA. I sit here and remember all the smiles you put on my face when I was feeling down. How you motivated me and encouraged me to do me and forget everybody else. How you had faith in me and helped to build my self esteem. Remembering when I first told you; Thomas I am applying for ACS and how you told me " Do it, do it baby, you can do anything cause you a smart girl." Those words meant a lot to me. You were like the Cuban uncle I never had. BTW still waiting for my trip to Cuba you promised to take me and my kids on. But its okay I will go one day god willing in your name and I will make sure that we have a great time. I remember when I first became family monitor and was the first one at the school, you always had my coffee ready. That was the best coffee I ever had and I miss it. Brings a smile to my face when I think of how my morning greeting was "good morning nigga wassup?" LOL! Those were great times. You were my smoking buddy at 167th and guess what I quit smoking! Thank god! You were my Spanish teacher while I was your English teacher and how all we taught each other were all the bad words. LOL. I remember how I told you Thomas I'm in, I'm leaving VOA and going to ACS and how you said "Good for you, I knew you can do it, I'm proud of you meng, you my nigga." Those meaningful words will be a part of me until its my turn. I can go on and on but keep my memories and let you go. I will take care of your Jeanette and be there for her as long as she needs me to and that's a promise.
Love you and miss you already.....
May you Rest In Peace...
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Walton Memories 101
Do you know that the best times in life are the most embarrassing ones that you can look back and laugh about it. Like the times when out moms would yell our names out the window to go to the bodega! Dinner time was the bomb...especially when Lucy would cook (Lucy is the grandma of the block). Latinos always got the grandma of the block. Come to think about it...we had everything in that block. Beginning with the corner of the block....901 "The outcast"...where the store owners lived and where all the most depressing people lived...cause they was always talking about how their boyfriend/girlfriend left them and how they wanted to end their lives....That building needed a prescription of prozac! Than we have 911...."The Bullies"...Most of the trouble makers lived in that building, which most were the all talk but no action and always had to be jumping somebody instead having a fair clean fight....I believe Emmit knows what I mean. Than we had 923-"The Bipolar" building...this is the building where everybody believed they was family...we would walk into each others apartment like we were part of the family..."knock knock...who is it?...me....open the door...smh...that's how we rolled. But than the next day...we was fighting like siblings and shit...LMAO...and the next day...it was forgive and forget, back to being friends again. That is where the best memories began. Than we have 955 aka..."The drug den"....this where we believe that all of the drugs were being sold from...the building that had the most bullet holes...cause there was always a shoot out. Last but not least...we had 975...the biggest building in the block...That was the trick or treat building....cause the only time we stepped in there was on Halloween cause thats where we got the most candies.
So we had some very famous people in our block...but I am saving that for the next blog....getting late heading to bed.
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