We are almost at the end of August! I have literally been working from home since March! I'm not gonna lie; when this pandemic first started, I did not know what to make of it. I did not know whether to believe it or not. As days went on and it was all over the news and the number cases went up; I began to know, shit was getting real out there. That's when my mental health sort of deteriorated. I was fighting a silent battle to not affect others around me. My anxiety and bipolar depression took over me. It had me to the point where I even began to loose my hair. All I wanted to do was sleep all day but I couldn't cause I had to get up and work. Adjusting to working from home was a struggle cause the systems we have are slow and kept kicking me out. I was getting frustrated to the point where shit would make me cry. I was also homeschooling a teen and a preschooler. Thank goodness the teen was able to do things on his own. But the preschooler was a lot difficult. My Dad was also a little bored and stressed out cause he had to stop jogging. I couldn't take the risk of letting him go out at his age.
As weeks went by I began to adjust and get accustomed to the change. I decided that I was not going to let this CORONA shit get to me or take over me and my emotions. It was time to battle this thing of course safely and in Quarantine. I started to think positive and find better and easier of way in working from home. Copy and paste are my best friends. As a lot may know I am obsessive compulsive. I think this whole family is. I began to organize my home work life a.k.a. #Quaratinelife2020 . I took this opportunity to clean up my room and get rid of much needed items. I transformed things in my room in order to make myself a work space separate from my sleeps space. I moved my computer desk and got myself a new computer and printer to make things easier for me especially since I found out that we may be working from home until the middle of next year or so.
So my Dad and I decided to partner up and tackle this new way of living. The first two months was times of adjustment. I bought him, a Cubii so he can at least exercise his legs, I got him a recliner, a Nintendo mini and The Emerald 360 Air fryer to keep him entertained. My son on the other hand loves this quarantine. He was made for this, cause he gets to be on the PlayStation, watch TV or YouTube all day. Once in a while he will step out with his mask to go play basketball. Jaylee has been go back and forth between here and her PGP's. She stays with them for two weeks and then stays here for two weeks.
My Dad gets up and makes sure I get up top log in for work. He works out while I have my coffee and start my work day. He then makes us breakfast. After work, I always find something to do in this house so that i don't get bored or end up sitting down all day. I also make sure to include my dad, Jaylee and Julie Ann so that they don't get bored or develop the quarantine stress. Everyday is something different. Mondays are the worst though. Mondays are the days when work is chaotic and I end up working through lunch and overtime after work. Those are the days where once I am done is bath and bed while chillaxing watching TV. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are lighter so I might either tackle a certain spot in the house to throw things out or cook something to give my dad a break. Friday it depends but I am always done by 5. So I might do something different like either have someone come over and we'll cook and have some drinks or might go out and visit someone or just take a walk around the hood. Sometimes I might just stay home and catch a flick with Jaylee or my Dad.
The weekends are always different, it's either stay home and clean or schedule some time with others. Every other weekend is for visiting with family or friends.
I have truly come around and have fully adjusted into working from home. I am no longer suffering quarantine stress, anxiety or bipolar depression, my hair is not falling out as much and I am a much rounded happier person.
Well Stay home, stay safe and stay blessed!!